By Anonymous - 28/11/2010 08:07 - United States

Today, I went to a very crowded restaurant. Being really shy, I requested to sit in the corner, but instead they placed me in the center of the dinning area. I started to eat my food and got really spaced out. Suddenly I sneeze-farted and everyone turned to look at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 058
You deserved it 7 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skull4k9 0


ysomad 0

it's okay to feel sad sometimes! (mr. Rogers)


ersa1802 0

A sneeze-fart? That's pretty impressive, I'd be surprised if you didn't come out of that without some friends. ;)

jayAZ 3

awesome! Try to believe they were awed! really I would be...just wish I was dining with ya! ;)

It's like cough-burping, they always catch you by suprise. Haha. :P

lmao my friend jst did tht tha othr dayy :) it was hekka funnyy

lawnboy420 0

just be thankful it wasn't a sneeze- shard

Ah, the infamous snart strikes again!

my bestfriend vomit-farts when she's drunk so I guess your not the only one... but to do it in a crowded restaurant?... fyl.

xXDubbleChic 11

I swear the end of this fml said 'everyone turned to look at me, including my crush.' >.>