By LilShawty2000 - 24/02/2009 05:30 - United States

Today, I went to chill with my best guy friend and his girlfriend, whom I recently met after I moved to the area. After a few beers, my buddy leaned over and tried to make out with me. I quickly backed up and shockingly looked over at his girlfriend to expect the same reaction. She winked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 824
You deserved it 7 919

Same thing different taste


Emriss 0

People, details. The tag next to the username of OP says '(man)'.

Emriss 0

Also (damn you, edit timer), it's weird that so many people assume the term 'guy friend' means OP is a chick. It's implying that you only have friends the same sex as you; that's the only reason I can think of you'd have no need to define what they are. Can none of you have close female friends without your penis accidentally falling into them or something?

timeoffire45 8

actually, the OP is classified as a man. Still, I find this both hilarious (because it's late for me) and kinda distrubing... unwanted sexual advances from anyone--no matter what gender or sexuality you are--are not fun. But hell, if you wanna go for it, go for it: it's not like it's wrong or anything, it just might not be what you're into.

timeoffire45 8

Can I take a moment to comment about how disproportionate the attitudes are depending on if people think the OP is a guy or a girl? Seriously. What's the difference? It's still the same concept: a threesome. There's going to be something "gay" going on SOMEwhere in there; and yes, two girls kissing is classified as "gay." So open your minds a little, PLEASE.

schoolfml 0

#106.. two girls kissing is only considered gay if they are ugly.. if they are hot its called sexy. expecially if you (if your a guy) are in the middle.

minenotyours 0
Whiterabbitm1 0

why are you complaining? 3 sones are great!

Giorgio272 2

damn baby she just wanted some 3 way to happen. just learn to embrace it. eat the pussy baby I am sure you will like it. lick yo fingers up food and play with yourself. yeah let gio take over baby. mm hmm. in otherwords. stop being a bitch and **** em both already.