By LilShawty2000 - 24/02/2009 05:30 - United States

Today, I went to chill with my best guy friend and his girlfriend, whom I recently met after I moved to the area. After a few beers, my buddy leaned over and tried to make out with me. I quickly backed up and shockingly looked over at his girlfriend to expect the same reaction. She winked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 824
You deserved it 7 919

Same thing different taste


bi_chick 0

I feel your pain #70, although me and my dude have at least one friend that we can have fmf with it sucks just trying to bring someone els in

lifehatesmedamn 0

#9 almost made me pee my pants. priceless.

Haha LMFAO! that is definately a missed opportunity!

Dkkk 0

Did you like it? Just a little? :]

AlisonMarie 0

I am laughing my assss off at these comments.