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By Brad - 03/01/2013 06:47 - United States - Harrisburg

Today, I went to dinner with my girlfriend of 2 months. This would have been great, had I not been nodding absentmindedly when she suggested that we start planning our wedding soon, because "she's always dreamt of being married on the same day as Brad and Angelina." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 980
You deserved it 25 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was testing you. ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION, OP.

In order to perfect the art of not listening to one's girlfriend, a gentleman must feign interest while never nodding or using phrases like, "that sounds great," or "of course dear." Further, there are keywords which should immediately focus one's attention. The principal words in this list are "wedding," and "married."


It'll be fine. Nodding doesn't necessarily mean a proposal. If she brings it up just say that your not ready or there is a lot to consider!

Or you can tell her that you'll support her fantasy if she supports yours. Then tell her you want your first marriage to last the same amount of time that Britney Spears first marriage lasted.

No. Actually just run for the hills and don't look back!

Oh, that sucks...gotta start paying closer attention when she's talking!

She was testing you. ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION, OP.

Sorry. What'd you say I wasn't paying attention..

Doesn't work when communicating by text, 32.

That's why you should pay attention. If it wasn't just a test and she's being serious, tell her you don't want to rush the relationship and you just want to see how things go.

In order to perfect the art of not listening to one's girlfriend, a gentleman must feign interest while never nodding or using phrases like, "that sounds great," or "of course dear." Further, there are keywords which should immediately focus one's attention. The principal words in this list are "wedding," and "married."

You forgot "*******" and "your best friend".

Pretty sure he intentionally left that out ;p

I don't always pay attention when me husband talks sometimes your mind wanders and you don't want to be rude and admit it so you nod. My husband know's I can be a total space cadets sometimes. You'll be fine... if she isn't a crazy bitch....... Nvm

Sir, Gentlemen seeking to perfect the art of feigning interest in the ramblings of one's girlfriend must know when a particular word is of concern. The words "children" and " kids" are only of concern when following "marriage," "married" "i'm pregnant" or proceeding "with you." If one focuses too soon on "children" or "kids" one will be subjected to paying undue attention to stories about a girlfriend's sibling's progeny. This is time better spent reflecting on the score of a sporting event or the cleavage of one's girlfriend, (or some other attractive female).

Just look like you're paying attention by looking in her eyes and nodding.

That's what you get for not paying attention to the crazy woman you're dating.

who would come up with something like that you should have paid attention OP .. now your doomed unless u think of something quick

OP's girlfriend would come up with something like that.

Perhaps she was joking, or maybe she wasn't, but you should have been paying more attention to someone you love rather than actually absently ignoring her. Next time maybe, you'll be able to stop her in her tracks before she gets to the "marriage part" and divert the conversation, if you pay attention. Still, FYL. Definitely sounds unfortunate.

crazytwinsmom 25

Say sorry babe I can't, I'm already married:(

And lose his girlfriend? That's a terrible idea.

The_F3rris 11

Yea of course lose her, gotta get out while you still can!

Clearly he doesn't want out he's just shocked. And clearly ur an ass