By Brad - 03/01/2013 06:47 - United States - Harrisburg

Today, I went to dinner with my girlfriend of 2 months. This would have been great, had I not been nodding absentmindedly when she suggested that we start planning our wedding soon, because "she's always dreamt of being married on the same day as Brad and Angelina." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 980
You deserved it 25 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was testing you. ALWAYS PAY ATTENTION, OP.

In order to perfect the art of not listening to one's girlfriend, a gentleman must feign interest while never nodding or using phrases like, "that sounds great," or "of course dear." Further, there are keywords which should immediately focus one's attention. The principal words in this list are "wedding," and "married."


this is why you should pay more attention or you might just find yourself in a tux .

Always wanted same as brangelina? They got married not that many years ago.. Hope she is older than 10;)

Merylwen 24

Actually they're not married. They just have six bastards.

Not sure if this is still true or not because I don't really keep up with celebrities; but I heard that Brad and Angelina won't get married till everyone has the right of being married (meaning gays). So if that's the case you probably have a long while.

So his future is hanging on a Supreme Court ruling this term? Yikes. OP, if she's boring you after just two months, RUN.

Well you should of not being nodding constantly

1. PAY ATTENTION. 2. Get RID of the nutjob. 3. Brad and Angelina can go **** themselves to death.

It's only been 2 months she shouldn't be talking about marriage

she probably knew you werent listening and said something crazy just to check. Two months is still pretty early so it's a good time to find out shes crazy as hell.

doglover100 28

I don't think they've even set a date.