By Username - 15/12/2011 06:57 - United States

Today, I went to eat the orange I'd brought to work, but couldn't find it. After minutes searching, I found it. Nailed to the ceiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 568
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments


154rct 7

You should have just shrugged your shoulders, said "meh", and walk away. Then nail THEIR fruit to the ceiling... show those bitches whose boss ;-)

Hollico 0

Its not that no one liked me. Everyone plays pranks on each other!

craZ3 0

hooooly shiiiit, see what drugs do to u?

Because it was posted on the website. That's what makes something an FML, silly!

You hang up oranges for the holiday seasons!

I think this one has just given me ideas on how to mess with coworkers.