By wtf did I do - 02/03/2012 21:15 - United States

Today, I went to help a friend move into her new apartment. We were half-way through when it started to rain, and in my anger I yelled that it's like these things happen just to annoy me. Then we heard the tornado sirens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 355
You deserved it 4 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kat_like_meow 2

Because the world totally revolves around you...

Well at least the sirens gave you a heads up! Get outta there as fast as you can :)


marisalee 0

You live in the South too?!

Nick_Stauffer 1

u must live in Tennessee cause I just drove through there and got hit with a few tornados and a shit load of rain

Soo then why are you writing this? Isn't there a tornado to be running from? Hello!

..that awkward moment when you need to learn to shut up..

That awkward moment when you realized there was never an awkward moment. See how annoying that sounds?

15 people died in that tornado, but they your life sucks so bad because you got wet.

The world does not revolve around you.

KayleeBeth 0

Tornados all in Georgia well close to me I'm from Ellijay , GA well I hope y'all are alright, but thank the lord for the warning(: haha.

jojoboy 0

Maybe if you yell at the tornado you'll get a hurricane

torianab 7

I know how you feel. I had fallen asleep and woke up to use the bathroom. My neighbor then called and told me to take cover. I could then hear the sirens. I gathered some necessities, my pups, and locked us in the inside bathroom. Thank God it passed. It touched down nearby.