By wtf did I do - 02/03/2012 21:15 - United States

Today, I went to help a friend move into her new apartment. We were half-way through when it started to rain, and in my anger I yelled that it's like these things happen just to annoy me. Then we heard the tornado sirens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 355
You deserved it 4 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kat_like_meow 2

Because the world totally revolves around you...

Well at least the sirens gave you a heads up! Get outta there as fast as you can :)


I love how so many people think that things like this are planned just for them. Stop being so into yourself and just help your poor friend get to a safe place.

exactly the crap isn't important u can rebuy it all

Where did I say her stuff was important? Again people READ before you comment!

Ah, I can't believe I thought that said "actually" damn. I admit, I was owned

And then the rage siren in your head goes beserk... I feel ya. Everyone has some sort of annoyance that makes them blow up. Just remember to keep it under control when it really matters! :)

Is the berserk alarm just constant screaming for a minute? Cuz between you and me I use it a lot.

dontpanic_fml 32

I love how many YDI's this is getting, like the OP was actually controlling fate

jaytee1994 9

Where do u live? There where a lot of tornados this past week! We had them come through my home town

Id say some place that has plenty of tornadoes to have tornado sirens put in probably kansas

jaytee1994 9

Every town/city is made to have warning sirins even if they don't have many tornados. They have them "just in case"

eat_this_buddie 5

I'm in Indiana and we had some pretty bad tornadoes.

FYL. Hope everyone was safe. There's tornado warnings and all out here right now :(

zakkcarter 7

Your in kentucky arent you...

lizabeth200 4

Tell me your not in southern Indiana!?