By wtf did I do - 02/03/2012 21:15 - United States

Today, I went to help a friend move into her new apartment. We were half-way through when it started to rain, and in my anger I yelled that it's like these things happen just to annoy me. Then we heard the tornado sirens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 355
You deserved it 4 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kat_like_meow 2

Because the world totally revolves around you...

Well at least the sirens gave you a heads up! Get outta there as fast as you can :)


eat_this_buddie 5

Dude you in Kentucky or Indiana? Those tornadoes were so bad yesterday!

TwinArmageddons 4

Do you live in Kentucky by any chance?

Yes, hypothesize. That doesn't mean that it's always right.

Ya it was, a lil town was takin out. Maryville IN i think

how the **** is this an fml... I hope next time your bitching about some rain you get struck by lightning. then you'll have something to complain about

karmas a bi***! =| have you done anything wrong?

swaggdog72 1

Mother nature trolling since the start of earth