By time to put you down, gran - 01/12/2012 22:53 - United States
Same thing different taste
Nice try
By Ellie - 06/07/2022 00:01
Grandma, nooooooo!
By Sam - 02/12/2012 14:05 - United States - Indianapolis
By no boobies - 29/05/2013 16:39 - United States
Bigmouth strikes again
By Anonymous - 28/02/2022 21:59 - United States - Morganville
Corny jokes
By embarrassed - 12/07/2009 18:25 - United States
Family time is best time
By Momlovesme - 08/08/2009 00:43 - United States
It is though
By Timv86 - 16/02/2010 08:18 - Australia
By Anonymous - 15/11/2012 19:47 - Ireland
All my fault
By streaker? - 27/11/2015 14:21 - Germany - Langenhagen
By malicious_melons - 07/07/2013 23:41 - United States - Santa Paula
Top comments
It is pretty dark in there...
You are smelly
1- It's dark in there because they don't want anyone to see the shit that they've designed until they've already paid for it.
I work at Abercombie, for you that don't know, Hollister and Abercombie are by the same company. Yes, it's dark and loud! Lol and we get a lot of complaints from the elderly. It's to bad we can't do anything about it. I wish we could help and make it a better experience for our customers, it makes me feel bad sometimes.
In OP's head? Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing when I read her username....
It is not a good place to take your grandmother, duh! I used to shop there when I was younger and I was still smart enough to know where older people do not need to go. On another note I think it is totally cute that she gave those mannequin an ear full.
I don't see why the downvotes for #75. Once could have been unintentional but if she's working there, she should at least know how to spell it correctly. I've worked there in the past and elder customers used to ask us to turn the music down or to stop making our stores smell so horrible but as an employee I was miserable as well, listening to the same CD on repeat for an entire "season." I did love the smell though so that never really bothered me. Whenever I was assigned to "spritz" the clothes, I'd spritz some on my work clothes as well. Always got compliments on it even though I'm a girl and its supposed to be a man's cologne. I don't regret working there but I am glad I found a better job and got out.
You need a gas mask to safely enter that store...
#46- You're right, the quality of the fabric is cheap. One can probably get better quality clothing shopping at Target for less $$
@ #65: You could turn down the music and turn up the lights... It's within your power. Trust me. I used to work retail. Management tends to back off if you all band together and make changes for the sake of your mental health. Not to mention that loud music and a dark environment will destroy your hearing and sight, respectively.
Welcome to hollister would you like nose plugs? Ear plugs? Or a flashlight?
Yeahhhhhh...A really long nap...
Dirt nap.
I'm guessing she'll be sleeping with the fishes?
And that joke just flew right over your head 61...
My comment wasn't that bad, was it? :(
37 & 68 -- a mud bath 6 feet under...
Maybe someday the mannequins will take over stores... And your gramma wouldn't seem so crazy. Right? Wrong.
Or you could go to the crazy house with her.....
Wow this sounds like a Doctor Who episode- the first one with Eccelston and Rose where the mannequins take over London.....Dang can't remember the title.....
*facepalm* should've known that one..... Haven't watched season one in while..... Hmm think I shall do that whilst waiting for Snowmen....
And yes, Stormageddon is a GREAT name. Just read your profile ^_^. I ran out of room on my to put my favorite quotes.....
That's a bit awkward.
No shit
Hahaha, I like these comments. "Oh cool, no first comment yet. Okay, I gotta be quick. What should I write? Ugggghhhhhh!!! Time is running out! Uhh I can't think of anything. I better just type in 'That's a bit awkward' *enter*. Did I get first comment? No? Damn." And I really really say this a lot more than I should have to, but THERE'S LITERALLY A BUTTON FOR THAT. You don't have to submit pointless comments, you can just press FYL and be done with it.
Well, that escalated quickly...
I think the fml where the person's grandmother started taking her clothes off in the mall is more awkward lol
It's alright OP. Sometimes, people that are elderly think that whenever they have a disadvantage or trouble with someone. They think we are purposely disrespecting them.
You obviously haven't seen mannequins flipping people off. They're sneaky about it, but I've seen them. You just have to stare at them and never take your eyes away; it took almost two days for me to see them move.
Someone's off their meds
Someone doesn't understand sarcasm.
yeah, you
That reminds me of my mom. She works in retail and is always accidentally greeting the mannequins or asking them if they need assistance.
She works the closing shift, so she doesn't set them up, but she should know where the mannequins are since she works there. XD
Like a Boss .
No, much more like a geriatric woman who needs a change in her meds. Boss was a close guess though
"If it's too loud, you're too old." This is a slogan for a radio station. (not sure which one.)
Also on an ACDC shirt
Ted Nugent popularized that saying.
Older people get confused sometimes, I hope your Gran is just confused and she doesn't have a serious illness like Alzheimer's...
I think a visit to Hollister could elicit that reaction in anyone, regardless of their age. The place is absurd.

Your username, WTF
It is pretty dark in there...