By melikeyturtles - 02/11/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, I went to my boyfriend's apartment to break up with him since he's always busy, and I haven't seen or spoke to him in almost 2 months. I arrived to find out from his landlord that he'd moved out 3 weeks ago, leaving a note saying that we were over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 304
You deserved it 8 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ikickgingers 15

After two months, whats the point?

bargarlm 2

What an ass. He took the big dramatic douchebag break up move. But ydi cause you should of realized something was up if it had been 3 weeks.


every1luvsboners 11

Pretty sure that the relationship was over a long time ago, you were just living a pipe dream. Get over it.

StopDropNRoll 11

I swear those are the wisest words I have seen you put on fml ^

The ex-bf was a huge bitch for just disappearing from your life, but I can't believe you waited TWO FRIGGIN MONTHS before you decided to do something. You should have been calling/visiting him after the 2nd or 3rd week. Girls who sit around and wait for their man to call them and never call the man themselves really piss me off. My ex was like that and I couldn't stand it.

Dante17 6

Thumbs up to that, I really hate it too cuz is like you want the best but is like "she is just sitting down and waiting for man always to make all possible" it ain't fair, 50 50

perdix 29

First, if you hadn't been in touch with him in 2 months, you are not boyfriend and girlfriend. Also, getting dumped by someone you want to break up with is a blessing. Once, a long-term gf dumped me (just as I was about to dump her) and with that tale of woe, I got several pity *****. Yay!

joee182 3

It took you two months after not hearing from him? ydi smh-.-

awkwardaredevil 5

Well that makes things easier...

Op ydi. Why wait 2 months? Who cares if he took the cowards way out, by that time you're lucky he at least left a note. Get over it it was done already

if I didn't talk to my girlfriend for a week I'd figure we were over. he's probably had two other girlfriends in two months

dcg1375 7

I think two months without seeing someone living in the same town is an automatic assumption that there is no relationship. Unless you are on the phone with them every day still keeping that connection. But this was obviously not the case in this scenario. Someone should've at least texted saying "hey this doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Let's just cut our losses. "

Future reference, two months of doing nothing about the problem was the first mistake. You sit around expecting someone to do something NEVER works. No exceptions.