By amayasoma - 12/08/2013 18:54 - United States - Houma

Today, I went to my car to get a few things, when I discovered it had been broken into. Nothing of value was taken. My window was busted in just for a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and my car's ashtray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 641
You deserved it 7 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least you didn't have anything valuable taken. I'd rather have a $4 pack of cigarettes stolen than a $700 computer.

alexwow1 13


Would you people shut up?! I'm sick of, " Maybe it's a sign to stop smoking. " and " Glad he stole your cancer sticks! ". It's her life, she can smoke if she wants to, and should be able to do so without judgement.

pazuzus_intern 10

Agreed...I mean I get that people are bombarded daily from messages from tobacco nazis, but come on, everyone has a vice and they are ALL bad for your health one way or another. It also really gets me that people go on and on about how they HATE the smell of smoke, there are millions of offensive odors in the air and one person smoking a ciggarette is what's bothering you? Seriously?

Asswipes like people commenting those things should get a life and quit telling to quit. It's their life. They can smoke if they want to.

#98 yes there's plenty of other offensive odors out there and everyone has the right to smoke if they want but smelling trash isnt gonna give you the risk of lung cancer. Second hand smoke is highly disgusting and is worse than actually smoking it.

pazuzus_intern 10

I'm trying really hard not to be condescending about this, but please think about that for a second. You can't really go out in public without making contact with secondhand cigarrette smoke, really nobody can. Now think about everytime you've gone out in public through your entire life. That being said, shouldn't we all be dead? So sorry but I call bullshit on secondhand smoke...and also you can get plenty of airborne illnesses from various odors, cancer is just the one everyone pays attention to.

#132 didn't you pay attention in health class? And FYI yea there's other airborne illnesses but having a cold or the flu is nothing compared to getting lung cancer. Other airborne illnesses eventually go away overtime.

pazuzus_intern 10

Okay let's apply a little common sense the HELL is catching a wiff of secondhand smoke MORE dangerous that inhaling cigarrette smoke DIRECTLY INTO YOUR LUNGS? And not everything you hear from someone else is 100% fact, I'm sure the fact that everyone wanted a culture change to get people to stop smoking had absolutely nothing to do with that ridiculous theory. Riiiight.

Because u breathe it in and it goes directly to your lungs too. What, u think just because that person isn't smoking it but smells it that it goes to another part of the body?? You're an idiot...

The smoke that burns off the end of a cigarette or cigar actually contains more harmful substances than the smoke inhaled by the smoker. This means that people who don't smoke but are regularly around those who smoke are exposed to the health risks of cigarette smoking. How does second-hand smoke affect non-smokers? Even if you don't smoke but are exposed to second-hand smoke on a regular basis, your body will absorb nicotine and other harmful substances just as smokers' bodies do. In addition, the longer you are around second-hand smoke, the greater the level of harmful substances in your body. As a result, you might have an increased risk of developing smoking-related disorders, including: Lung cancer Heart disease Emphysema Eye and nasal irritation Thank you! Have a good day ;)

pazuzus_intern 10

Oh my, you can google, good for you. Thanks for the essay but you still havnt explained how we all aren't dead from the secondhand smoke we are all exposed to every time we step outside. The fact that you felt the need to insult me and post an essay speaks in volumes about how insecure you are, I was just explaining why I think the way I do, but clearly your only interested in being a know-it-all, condescending twat.

Who said anything about being a know it all? Nobody ever said that once we step outside we all die u moron what happens is if you're around it long enough you can get lung cancer. And yes I do know how to use google, what's the matter, you don't? Obviously not because if u go on there and google "is second hand smoke worse than smoking" you'll clearly get THE COLD HARD FACTS!!! The truth on it. Why don't you take a second an check it out :) oooo u callin names too??! Some fighting words ya got there.... -_-

AtomicDiamond87 15

This commenting is just ridiculous. I don't believe in second hand smoking killing people. Don't understand why people are such cry babies. If you don't want to inhale second hand smoke be anti-social and stay away from people.

candyycurnn 10

Smokers.. They will do anything to feed their addiction lol thats your sign to quit.

Tsk... Tsk... Shame on you for smoking...

Poetaster 10

Maybe the sucker will get lung cancer,,,

Who ever done that must've been going through some major withdraws ....

Smoking didn't do that to her, a jackass who let his withdrawals get the best of him did that.

Some people and their addictions will go to far measure just for a hit...