By dyingtinkerbell - 18/10/2009 11:14 - Australia

Today, I went to my company's HR manager to ask what the procedure was to file a sexual harassment complaint since my boss exposed himself to me. His response was that the procedure is to "get over it." And he went back to reading. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 906
You deserved it 4 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

letitbe56 0

I don't know anything about Australian law, but I suspect it's illegal for him to ignore your concerns like that. Talk to a lawyer--at very least, the company should transfer you to another department so you don't have to work with your current boss, if not fire him.

xtremelifter 0

The heart of the issue is that she was shown something that she didn't want to see in the first place. Sexual Harassment isn't a "suck it up and get over it." Once you see something like that u can't unsee it. Seek legal help and charges filed against him. Apologize for that having to happen.


MiniatureMayhem 0

I spit Cheetos all over my keyboard when I read this lmao

beatnik_candy 0

classic sexism. To the man below referring to the writer as a bitch, go back to the inbread masoginystic cespool you came from.

"How to speak Australian..." (Boss exposes himself) "G'day, miss!" (Can of Foster's) "Beer"

Heathtastic 10
freddie_fml 0

Document the shit out of that. Record every single detail you can, dates, times, who you spoke to, what was said, EVERYTHING, and keep the file someplace safe. You're going to need it when you take it to the next level. And please do take it to the next level. There is some seriously wrong shit going on where you work.

Yeah, and describe your boss' junk to a sketch artist so that they can draw a picture of it. You'll need that as valuable evidence when you take your case to trial.

You shouldn't have interrupted your boss while he was masturbating. =p Seriously, this is a no-brainer. If you can prove/document what either of them did, then do. If you can't, then you're out of luck.

PlasmaWafflez 0