By MADfml - 26/02/2009 03:12 - United States
Same thing different taste
By ug - 08/07/2009 20:51 - Canada
Classic mistake
By Anonymous - 21/08/2021 02:01
By Anonymous - 06/11/2015 05:29 - United States - Madison
By hatethatiloveyou - 10/02/2009 00:37 - United States
By HarleyDavison - 05/10/2014 18:44 - United States - Harrisonville
By iStoleTheBrownie - 25/08/2017 01:32
By icantdrive - 19/03/2009 04:22 - Canada
By Anonymous - 23/08/2010 06:21 - United States
By emselin - 18/09/2012 20:07 - Denmark - Niv
You tried
By Anonymous - 17/08/2021 05:01 - United States - Gilbert
Top comments
Flash him, take the beads, and run off.
#43 who the **** let u out of the kitchen!!! make me a damn sandwich bitch! ****** femi-Nazi
your probley ugly. like this girl i know in my health class named Alex. man face. gross boobs.
that's ... vert upsetting... depressing as well.
Girls don't hate douchebags!! If the guys a douchebag, they love him! They only hate the douchebag guy if they CANT GET HIM. And even then, they still secretly like him- they just act like they hate him, to save their reputation! (If a guy fries a girl publicly, she isnt socially retarded enough to keep chasing his dick... USUALLY.) So what the girl does is go "ugh that guys such a jerk. AND hes a loser too. he probly has no friends, blah blah, probly this, nobody likes him, yada yada, small penis, yada" =============== Ironically, nice guys never get laid either. (Girls are turned off by nice guys... and the bitches actually HATE nice guys. Nice girls simply nicely ignore/reject the nice guys.. the bitches are downright cruel to nice guys. Why? Bitchy girls need a powerful man to be attracted to. And they have strong survival-of-the-fittest attitude when it comes to men. When they see an emotional or weak one? They wanna kill it! Doubly ironically, being a douchebag and then opening up to the girl too fast? ALSO turns her off to you! She goes "wow he ISN'T a douchebag" which IN THE MOVIES GIRLS LOVE. But IN REAL LIFE? Something women won't tell you, cause of their secret society? WOMEN ARE TURNED OFF WHEN YOU ACCEPT HER/LIKE HER BACK TOO QUICKLY. If she didn't have to WORK HARD for you? If she didn't have to SACRIFICE FOR YOU AND WORK FOR YOU AND RISK FOR YOU? Then she WILL NOT BE SATISFIED WITH YOU. Unless of course you are totally cool, totally rich and totally goodlooking and famous, like David Beckham. In that case, any sane girl is going to over-ride her instincts and go "ok, so he's weirdly into me? So what! He's ******* rich and cool and sexy and famous!" and then they DEAL WITH/IGNORE whatever "dump him cuz he wasnt a challenge" feelings they have. =========================================== So the lesson here? 1- Be a douchebag. Meaning, be sexy and attractive if you can. But even more important than that, be 100% confident and unfazed by them, be uncaring about them, care about your bros (but never more than the guys care about you, cuz that makes you the guys bitch), be cocky and funny, etc. 2- PUT THAT WEDGE BETWEEN YOU AND HER. Perfect example here- "I will give you these beads NOT to flash me." Or with a completely straight face if shes talking to you- "im gay" and then proceed to flirt with other women where she can see (will make her think you just simply don't want her and wanted to nicely get her to stop flirting with you). 3-When you put the wedge between you and her, DO NOT SMILE, GRIN OR LOOK AT HER TO SEE HER REACTION AFTER YOU SAY IT- IMMEDIATELY LOOK AWAY! Also, you should laugh with everybody else, so if possible make eye contact with a bunch of OTHERS, laugh etc! (if you grin at her, she thinks your trying to impress her- NOT HOT. but if you laugh with everyone else, its twice as attractive cuz then you have the APPROVAL OF THE ROOM. She thinks "hes popular and fried me, and people love him for it". Then she feels she MUST give herself to you, sleep with you, etc to get the validation back from the room. Trust me it's that animalistic how women think. 4- When she tries coming back to you later, and you DO talk to her, seem almost like she has "beat you down and crushed your resistance". Or seem like you're talking to her simply bcuz you don't wanna be a jerk. Look around, like "I hope ppl don't see me talking to this girl..." and lose attention with her frequently, i.e. never put her over any other girl or especially any male, friend or not. It will make her think "Damn he's too good for me :(" and she will doubly try hard. If a guy comes up to you guys? TALK TO HIM! Seem almost GLAD that he's "saving you from her"! Be like "hey man, you guys look like the cutest couple! Here you guys talk for a second, I gotta meet up with *girls name* or *Guys name*" and then leave! She will be like "OMG NO HE DIDN'T" and then she will HATE the guy who came up. Why? She AUTOMATICALLY REJECTS HIM IN HER MIND- he's the desperate loser, and you are the cool alpha sexy guy who walked away, who she desperately wants. She will NOT hook up with the guy who comes up to her. She will find a way to get back to you. ALSO DONT APPEAR JEALOUS IF SHE DOES MAKE OUT WITH HIM OR TRY TO GET YOU JEALOUS... 99% OF THE TIME ITS A TEST, AND EVEN IF ITS NOT, ITS NOT WORTH IT TO LOOK LIKE YOU CARE. If she starts making out with a guy and then you show you care? She WONT come back to you- now she's won, and that's what she wants! The room sees you jealous and sees her with another man... SHE IS HAPPY AND VALIDATED. Don't give her that validation, and she will eventually discard the guy and go after you again. It can range from 2 seconds to 30 minutes but it will happen 99% of the time. Exceptions are the obvious, if hes way taller than you, or more popular or cooler than you. Looks dont matter too much to girls except height, 2bh. 5- Before you do anything sexual with her, she must PROVE HERSELF TO YOU- this is when you go from the "i dont want this girl around me cuz im better than her but im being nice" stage, to the "im not into this girl, but she jumped from undesirable to slightly cool but still unattractive". NEVER MAKE A GIRL THINK SHE IS ATTRACTIVE. SHE MUST WIN OVER YOU WITH HER QUALITIES. GIRLS FOR THE MOST PART, LOVE TO HOOK UP WITH GUYS WHO FIND THEM UNATTRACTIVE. WHY? THEY KNOW THAT 90% OF ATTRACTION FROM MEN-TO-WOMEN, IS IF THE WOMAN IS HOT OR NOT. SO IF YOU DON'T FIND HER ATTRACTIVE, SHE WANTS TO BE VALIDATED BY YOU. If you say she's hot? SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO **** YOU TO GET THAT VALIDATION. 6- Example: If she asks "am i cute?" or "am i attractive?" have a funny but completely casual/it is what it is/unapologetic comment. For example, "Is it opposite day?" or "do you want me to be nice or be honest?" or "I think that everybody is beautiful in their own way". NEVER SAY SHE IS CUTE. If she gets mad at you? LET HER! DO NOT CARE AT ALL. If she yells at you, tries to guilt trip you, etc? Just laugh like shes embarrassing you, and walk away from her. If she walks away from you? Immediately without looking like you care at all, walk and talk to someone else. SHE WILL COME BACK IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. Most likely she will just go "omg shut up! but really im pretty right?". If she asks you this it is asking a second time, so at that point be like "look can we talk about something else?" or go "hey this really funny thing happened to me yesterday..." and do a random story. OR you can totally blow her life if she's totally the self-conscious needy type (this works wonders on them) and just be like "hey this really funny thing happened to me yesterday... there was this shallow homely girl who kept asking if she was pretty.. what should I have said to her?" and the girl of course will FAKE being mad but deep down SHE NEEDS YOUR VALIDATION. DO NOT GIVE IT TO HER. Women will say they have standards... they don't. They will **** a man they just met in an airport bathroom within 30 minutes if it is done *100% perfectly*. And this isn't "one true love" this is cold hard PICK-UP. The guy doing his pickup completely right. It's ironic- the word pick-up is actually misleading. It should be called "rejecting and disqualifying then letting her pick you up" instead. LAST THING: When she is trying to hook up with you, tell her you're not comfortable a couple of times! Make her WORK. The entire time you should be playfully or casually resisting. Make her WORK to get you!
I think he was joking.
At least he's being honest with you in regards to not wanting to see you flash him. Not saying it isn't a mean thing to say but you've got to take into account that there are sometimes just some people you don't want to see out of their clothes.
What could you possibly mean? The opposite of this scenario is he lets her flash him, and doesn't let her know that she disgusts him? What would that be? Politeness? Protecting her confidence? I don't understand how you can praise someone for that kind of douchebaggery just because it isn't a lie.
girl likes douchebag, douchebag shows his color, girl probably still likes douchebag.
The whole flashing thing is incredibly degrading to women, so maybe he was trying to give you some dignity? No, he's probably just an asshole who enjoys degrading women