Work on your skills
By banana - 26/02/2009 03:01 - United States

By banana - 26/02/2009 03:01 - United States
By notsexy - 09/05/2009 15:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/07/2009 09:23 - United States
By potassiumgirl - 11/04/2012 19:53 - United States - Hollywood
By Anonymous - 31/07/2012 03:36 - United States - Chicago
By Kyra.45 - 03/10/2013 22:46 - United States - Troy
By anon - 31/08/2014 15:14 - United States
By Jake - 02/10/2012 11:52 - United States - Athens
By jen - 16/01/2009 00:39 - United States
By lunarstrain - 08/11/2011 06:11 - United Kingdom
By Rob - 06/06/2012 16:02 - United States - Neoga
Bahaha, it's not like most of us girls haven't done it before. ;)
r u a guy or a girl
I have yet to see one man with a banana shaped dick...
Just remember, practice makes perfect...
I feel the need to inform you that there are lots of banana's that curve a little at the stem (or whatever it's called where you start to peel a banana), and are straight as a dick the rest of the way you you know...
I'm pretty sure most girls haven't, and I'm pretty sure you're slowly climbing to the top of FML's "Sluttiest ****'s" list..keep going! Reach for the stars!!
Well the stars aren't the only giant balls she'll have to reach for.....
Well I haven't. And I'm a girl. And I think most girls haven't. But maybe it's just me missing out on the fun of doing that.
yeah, #2, #3 is right but there's so nothing wrong with this, unless your roommate is a mormon missionary or some other kind of ultra-conservative... or you're a guy and your roommate is a homophobe.
#8 ewwwwww
#8 - Too funny!!
Personally I read this and think "... So?" Shit at least your cool enough to practice first, rather than jump right into it and end up turning some poor fellas dongle into a teeth grated tragedy
Bananas don't go there!
i hope you realize condoms aren't tooth-proof. maybe you can also practice patching it up by ripping duct-tape with your teeth or practice taking the morning-after pill through your nose
#12 is right. If your can't handle man mayo getting in your mouth then become a lesbian. Then, in FML fashion, post pictures. If your a guy then go straight, then post pictures of your girl naked
Uh.. So because a girl doesn't want to swallow, or taste, a man's semen she should go lesbian? Where's the logic in that..?
that must have been one hell of a comedic scene. write a screenplay.
Personally I read this and think "... So?" Shit at least your cool enough to practice first, rather than jump right into it and end up turning some poor fellas dongle into a teeth grated tragedy
I'm pretty sure most girls haven't, and I'm pretty sure you're slowly climbing to the top of FML's "Sluttiest ****'s" list..keep going! Reach for the stars!!