By MADfml - 26/02/2009 03:12 - United States

Today, I went to my crushes Mardi Gras party. He was handing out beads to all the girls at the party that flashed him. When he came around to me he stopped and said "I will give you these beads NOT to flash me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 656
You deserved it 5 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

girl likes douchebag, douchebag shows his color, girl probably still likes douchebag.

The whole flashing thing is incredibly degrading to women, so maybe he was trying to give you some dignity? No, he's probably just an asshole who enjoys degrading women


I'm with #4, unless he said it really offensively. Mardi Gras is weird. In England all we get is pancakes on that day, but you get to flash!


Cloudy_fml 0

I agree with #4. It sounds like he might have just been joking, to me.

Inkspell 2

maybe he likes you and he didn't want others seeing them. or did someone say that already?

girl likes douchebag, douchebag shows his color, girl probably still likes douchebag.

The whole flashing thing is incredibly degrading to women, so maybe he was trying to give you some dignity? No, he's probably just an asshole who enjoys degrading women

And you enjoy drestroying traditions and probably want to take Jesus out of christmass. Here is a good point. if he really wants to degrade women, why does it work? Cause the girls want to participate! it is not degrading if the girls want to do it. Baka

epicfailburger 0

Depends on the language. In this case it's idiot.

Good. Because tourists are the only ones at Mardi Gras who actually flash for beads. You don't have to do that...

haygurlhay 0

Maybe he respects you too much?