By Stormy - 27/02/2011 21:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Thefaller - 11/07/2019 16:00
By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 10:05 - United Kingdom
Soul Train
By Anonymous - 08/05/2023 06:00
By Anna - 28/03/2012 01:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 02:18 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 25/07/2019 20:00
By jakob - 09/04/2024 00:00 - United States
Pace yourself
By Anonymous - 20/02/2021 11:01
By Anonymous - 25/10/2022 01:00 - Nigeria
By ApparentDrugAddict - 08/08/2011 06:23 - United States
Top comments
You shouldn't have been drinking anyway, but look at the bright side... Now you won't run the risk of getting too drunk and doing stupid stuff you regret later. Drinking is overrated anyway.
Why would you get drunk if you're underage? In my country you get hit with a stick for doing that!
Congrats your the new permanent designated driver
accually it cause alcohol is absorbed fastest in the intestines and that by passes Ur stomach speeding up the process it still goes threw Ur liver
"I wouldn't put anything in my body that can harm me." So I'm guessing you take absolutely no medications such as tylenol, ibprofen, or anything like that since all of those can and do harm you a bit just by taking them. Anyway, as other people pointed out, not everyone who drinks does so to the point that they black out. There are some who just stick to one or two if/when they drink.
I used to drink while I was still in school, but I was never dumb enough to do anything retarded like lots of people do and I was lucky enough to not have the problem OP has. Its really not a great thing to drink while you're still so young, but I think it happens SO much that it doesn't typically faze people. Honestly I believe the people freaking out saying how she deserves it just because she tried to have a shot are only saying that because it's fml, its what they do here. Although the OP does have something thats not great wrong with them it definately isn't horrific and I think its better they found out now than later. What if they were an adult, not living with parents, with someone who's drunk, it's not like anyone would call their parents. If parents weren't called they would've been taken to the washroom or left there because everyone would just think they were too drunk. I've seen so many people get REALLY sick from alcohol, I actually knew someone who would drink even though they were intalerant just like the op. Although she knew she was and drank anyway...idiot...she would just have a sip or two of a cooler and be super drunk and sick the next day. IM NOT RECOMMENDING THIS OP and fyl for going through that pain, but you'll be able to avoid it very easily.
umm moderate alcohol consumption has many benefits increased bone density, lower heart deasease rates, higher IQ it's all about moderation
Guys, let's get serious, like 95% of highschoolers drink and have parties. OP, FYL. That must have been really embarrassing, and now you can't party with your friends. I know that shouldn't matter, but whether anyone likes it or not, it's part of fitting in, in highschool.
You're intolerant because you're STILL IN ******* HIGH SCHOOL. I realise many people here are not from the US, but in Florida (where OP is from), it is illegal to drink under age 21. It's illegal for a reason. To all the idiots here saying "lol kids start drinking at 13 get a life lololooloool" you need to shut your immature, clueless little mouths. I've seen more kids killed while drunk driving than I'd care to mention. I just pronounced an 18 year old dead last week because he thought he could drive drunk and get away with it. He didn't. You can vote me down all you want, but that's the damned truth.
Wow, you shouldn't have been drinking anyway.