By Stormy - 27/02/2011 21:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Thefaller - 11/07/2019 16:00
By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 10:05 - United Kingdom
Soul Train
By Anonymous - 08/05/2023 06:00
By Anna - 28/03/2012 01:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 02:18 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 25/07/2019 20:00
By jakob - 09/04/2024 00:00 - United States
Pace yourself
By Anonymous - 20/02/2021 11:01
By Anonymous - 25/10/2022 01:00 - Nigeria
By ApparentDrugAddict - 08/08/2011 06:23 - United States
Top comments
Though your age has nothing to do with your condition, I still say you do deserve it to some extent. You should not be drinking if you are underage.
That's pathetic. I know that people think they're cool when they do drugs, but it's not at all cool. All you're doing is screwing up your life; more so your families who has to sit and watch you crumble your life up. It's just pathetic. There are many other ways to have fun that for one, aren't illegal, and two, harmful to your body.
233- I totally agree. ;)
211 - Why is it that when you're unable to drink alcohol, you turn to weed? That goes for anyone. Good grief... you don't need chemical substances to have fun. If you choose to do that shit in moderation, that's your prerogative. BUT, it doesn't go for everyone. IMO weed is worse than alcohol because people don't think it's dangerous. It's just as impairing as alcohol, but could be fine provided you know your limits, yadda yadda, and you're careful. Do you know how many accidents can be caused due to smoking weed?
Accually weed is less damaging then alcohol. for those who are about to quote cancer and the gateway drug theory remember this. Fox news published a study done in California that compared weed only smokers to non-smokers and found no discernible rise in any form of cancer rates. And ppl who smoke tobacco are 4x as likely to try hard drugs as ppl who only smoke weed
All these people saying YDI are stupid. That's really shitty, OP. If I were in highschool and found out I was allergic to alcohol I'd feel really upset and left out. Sure there are other ways to have fun, but its high school and that's just what a ton of teenagers do.
Who cares about it bein humiliating for that one night? Sucks that you won't be able to drink socially in the future.
Higher IQ? Source please. But no he's right, not only can and will you damage your liver over time, non-developed brains can get ******.
"Probably American" You've never been to a public American school, have you?...
Stop correcting #33 . 1 correction is enough, but once you get 6 people saying the same thing, it gets annoying. Sorry for butting in. :)
You're intolerant because you're STILL IN ******* HIGH SCHOOL. I realise many people here are not from the US, but in Florida (where OP is from), it is illegal to drink under age 21. It's illegal for a reason. To all the idiots here saying "lol kids start drinking at 13 get a life lololooloool" you need to shut your immature, clueless little mouths. I've seen more kids killed while drunk driving than I'd care to mention. I just pronounced an 18 year old dead last week because he thought he could drive drunk and get away with it. He didn't. You can vote me down all you want, but that's the damned truth.
Wow, you shouldn't have been drinking anyway.