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By Novocain - 20/04/2009 05:20 - Australia

Today, I went to my new dentist and before he started looking at my teeth, I told him my previous dentist had never found a single thing wrong with my teeth. After looking around, he chuckled humourlessly and called my last dentist idiotic. I now have a $580 bill and a root canal next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 539
You deserved it 5 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sue your previous dentist! Do it, you'll get bucketloads of money :D And FYL for having bad teeth w/o knowing it.

I know everyone is a little lawsuit happy these days, but if these problems should have been brought to your attention by your last dentist, you may have a malpractice case.


recycled FML is recycled. why don't you just copy and paste next time, or if it did happen, sorry for implying you're just a troll, but still, whoever the moderators are... you'd be just as well of putting an accept/deny button on the inside of a jr. high bathroom stall

zach055 23

It's a scam to get your money

Sue your previous dentist! Do it, you'll get bucketloads of money :D And FYL for having bad teeth w/o knowing it.

I know everyone is a little lawsuit happy these days, but if these problems should have been brought to your attention by your last dentist, you may have a malpractice case.

#2: My mum, looking at her teeth, has perfect teeth - white, even, good gums - but she's terrified of dentists and only goes if she can't avoid it. Even though her teeth look healthy, she has a lot of plaque build up and gum issues on the inside. Perhaps it's like that? Something that's not apparent but is actually a problem? My dad thought he just had increased hot/cold sensitivity but in reality he'd cracked a tooth! Thankfully, my oral health is good (although after this FML I'm not sure)... And OP: malpractice much? :/

$580? You got off easy! A crown is over a grand no matter how good your insurance. So your last dentist was "Dr. Nick"? /Hellllo Everybody!

Go to another dentist for a 2nd opinion?? That sucks!!!

It's not an opinion whether you have a root canal...

The EXACT same thing happened to me! My previous dentist retired, and the (obviously younger) dentist I registered with because of that, booked me for 3 sessions worth one hour. Not sure whether she (the new one is a woman) just bought a new boat that's now paid for, or my previous was such an idiot, but it cost me 600 euro's in total... "Fun" thing is, I just got dental insurance, but that only covered up to 225 euro per year, while costing 108, so I saved the amazing sum of 117 euro...

I went to this dentist once, he gave me a shot, poked around and scheduled me a root canal. I then decided that he was a masochistic demon, and proceeded to go to my dad's dentist who's a specialist and well known over here. He took me in without an apointment, looked around, did an x-ray and said I need a filling and to quit smoking ;) Didn't charge me anything but a standard "checkup". my point - most dentists are ASSHOLES.

NonchalantSavant 0

Seriously, you should get a second opinion, if to only to ensure that you're not being ripped off by the new dentist. YES - IT HAPPENS.

I'm in this same situation, but a second opinion would probably be a good idea.