By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 16:34 - United States

Today, I went to my gyn to see what a painful lump is under my armpit. Turns out it's breast tissue, and yes, it will fill up with milk when I'm pregnant. I essentially have three boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 420
You deserved it 2 846

Same thing different taste


good41thing198 7

Triplets should be no problem for you

I've heard of people with three nipples but three boobs Wow, FYL

Can I suggest asking your GP if you can get it removed

countryb_cth 38

I think it's trying to communicate

liggity 1

They are re doing total recall you could play the part of the three boobed alien

leadman1989 15

The evolutionary genesis of women with three boobs. I love nature! :D

leadman1989 15

Where did I say anything about smelly, hairy arm pit boobs?

leadman1989 15

Yes I read the FML, but just because it starts off under the arm doesn't meant during the course of it's evolution that can't change. Also, anatomically it could start out under and then contour out you know like normal breast do.

Nipples develop along the 'milk line' that run from the front limb to the back limb in most mammals. Species that common have multiple young have multiple nipples. Some women have one or more extra nipples. These usually develop on the milk line below the breast or above the navel. The mammary glands (breast tissue) develops along these lines as well. In primates (including humans) the glands form from 'buds' in the chest region. Around 5% of women have one or more 'accessory' breasts. These usually develop in the lower armpit. These sort of "stuff ups" are common, due to our evolution from early mammal ancestors. If there was a God, he clearly would have put the extra breasts high up on the left hand side of a woman's back to make ballroom dancing much more fun.

meeemo_ 0

108- I stopped reading your comment half way through.

okiidokii_fml 6

Yeah :) well he's sucking on your armpit you can look at his back acne and star wars collection. Lol

leadman1989 15

Or the boob doctor right? (sarcasm) Gynecologist are perfectly qualified for this. I'm a guy so i don't know for certain but I think they actually do this regularly someone correct me if I'm wrong please. She probably just felt more comfortable in this setting.

Hmm... Can't tell if trolling... Or just extremely ****** up.