By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 16:34 - United States

Today, I went to my gyn to see what a painful lump is under my armpit. Turns out it's breast tissue, and yes, it will fill up with milk when I'm pregnant. I essentially have three boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 420
You deserved it 2 846

Same thing different taste


FYLDeep 25

Yes. No doctor wants to be left out of potential breast examining opportunities.

walrusman 0

Anybody else turned on by this???

Hannahrayne 0
hubbs666 2

Sally the camel had... THREE HUMPS!

@40 did you or did you not see the word "essentially" in there?!?

I do believe I did, considering I purposely used the same word to mock OP. Subtlety is lost on you, isn't it?

OP, don't listen to the enfants above. The third (and fourth) boob was the way my wife discovered that she was pregnant with our second child since she got them with the first, too. They went away as soon as the kids were born. And yes, they were uncomfortable she says. :-)

If it was in a normal location, I'd say you were gifted. Under your arm? Ew.