By bunintheoven - 23/10/2012 04:21 - United States - Seligman

Today, I went to my local Walmart to grab a few groceries, and while at the checkout line I grabbed two chocolate bars for a snack. The cashier gave me a look and mumbled under her breath, "Surprise, surprise." I'm pregnant, asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 443
You deserved it 5 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your life doesn't suck. HER life sucks, on account of her being a total bitch.

I don't think that cashier realizes just how close she was to being killed on the spot.


tiberius1 1

im not sure what being pregnant has to do with it. does the baby need chocolate for nutritional reasons? Or is that your excuse for being obese?

DoxIxHAVExTo 10

She's pregnant. When you're pregnant, you grow a stomach. The cashier thought she was fat and insulted her under their breath. Her being pregnant isn't an "excuse" to eat chocolate. It's not an excuse at all. She's just offended that someone assumed she was unhealthy by how she looked.

Chocolate has nothing to do with it, other than that the cashier used that as an excuse to comment. I'm 34 weeks and the same thing happened to me the other day- I was bending to reach something and some asshat had the nerve to tell me I'd have less trouble if I lost some weight. I'm not obese- my OB says my weight is right on target for where I'm at in my pregnancy. Some people will use anything as an excuse to make rude remarks

brittanyrmh_ 12

**** HER life. Congrats on your pregnancy, OP. (: Indulge on as much sweets as you like, you're allowed!

TrinityisLife 22

Ok, I'm sick of the "It's Walmart" or "She's working at Walmart" crap posted. It's a job. It pays the bills. In a lot of areas, it's one of the better jobs to have as there's benefits and they don't start at minimum wage. That being said, OP, you can call 1-800-WALMART and make a complaint over the phone. The cashier's operator number is on the receipt, so even if you don't remember the cashier's name, they can use that number to know exactly who offended you. Home Office will email the complaint to the store manager and it'll be handled from there. I am truly sorry that one of our associated offended you and I do hope you make the phone call. As a side note from a fat chick -- people need to quit assuming that just because you're fat and buying something like a candy bar that you're being unhealthy. How do you know that person isn't on medications that force weight gain but save their life OR they just lost 20 pounds and that was their reward until the next 20 drop? Shame on you lot.

mowmowlife 21

LOL, she's already paying for it with her low quality of life. Sorry OP

Take a little piece of paper, and write "'Confirmation Bias.' Google it." Then go back to that store and give it to the girl.

If you ever see her again you should punch her in her gut

TcheQ 12

DAFUQ Report the cashier to the manager. That's just wrong to insult customers like that, Warren Buffet would break their face open on the sidewalk.

Veldan 1

Why do all you idiots think she was saying the lady was fat? She could have been thinking "Pregnant lady grabs two chocolate bars... surprise surprise" Still not the best register manner but hey, you pay her to bag your groceries not to make you feel good about yourself.

K8awsomness 4

Whos the one working at walmart... No you