By bunintheoven - 23/10/2012 04:21 - United States - Seligman

Today, I went to my local Walmart to grab a few groceries, and while at the checkout line I grabbed two chocolate bars for a snack. The cashier gave me a look and mumbled under her breath, "Surprise, surprise." I'm pregnant, asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 443
You deserved it 5 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your life doesn't suck. HER life sucks, on account of her being a total bitch.

I don't think that cashier realizes just how close she was to being killed on the spot.


Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you should eat like a pig.

I can't imagine she's skinny. Most cashiers at Walmart aren't.

Uh, there can be obese pregnant women. There's being overweight because of the pregnancy, and putting on 50, 80, 100 lbs under that excuse. I won't say fyl or you deserved it because you may actually be obese, despite the pregnancy, and we obviously can't know.

From what I've seen as a cashier many pregnant women have enormous chocolate cravings. Maybe the cashier knew you were pregnant and picked up on that too? The cashier was probably an asshole but don't completely discount this possibility either.

Guys, is it me or did I read that the cashier is pregnant, not OP? *quote* The cashier gave me a look and mumbled under her breath, "Surprise, surprise. I'm pregnant, asshole." *end quote* That could mean two things - the cashier is mumbling under her breath that it is a "surprise, surprise" that she is pregnant, and that the alleged father/OP is an asshole. - the cashier mumbled under her breath: "surprise, surprise" to which OP replied "I'm pregnant, asshole" I read it like the first option.

I want you to look SUPER close at this FML. You'll see these things called, quotation marks! They tell you that the cashier only said, "surprise surprise" and OP's thought is, "I'm pregnant asshole". Assuming OP is more curtious than this cashier, she only thought this and didn't actually reply. And there's nothing about the father mentioned, so I have zero idea where you got that.

Haha, you are right. Even though I carefully read the status a couple of times, I really totally missed that. I must be more tired than I thought. :P The reason I mentioned the father was simple. I didn't understand why the pregnant cashier would call OP (who is a woman according to the fml) an asshole, as the FML didn't indicate the two know each other, so there's no reason why OP would be said asshole. I assumed that the cashier was mumbling to her self about the asshole that got her pregnant. This FML did really confuse me, and now I see why :P Oh and, I know what quotation marks are, I am not a complete imbecile. ;)

CombatMayhem 5

What does pregnant have to do with you picking the "I'm obviously a disgusting fat body" snacks? Find something healthy. Your fatty cakes aren't doing your baby any good. People Ike you who justify eating like a pig because you're pregnant shouldn't be reproducing anyway.

you should've given her a nice smile and said "i'm pregnant, you judgemental bitch" and just strut out.

aneurophobia 5

SHE's the one working at a Wal-Mart.

KiddNYC1O 20

What? Pregnant women love chocolate... Surprise, surprise!

Shoulda called her out and asked to speak to the manager or supervisor, bad c/s should never be tolerated.