By Anonymous - 30/03/2016 17:02 - United States - Brunswick

Today, I went to my new dentist to get my teeth cleaned. He kept getting distracted, causing him to repeatedly stab me in the gums. He then had the nerve to tell me that I need to brush more, due to how I was bleeding just from his "routine examination". FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 153
You deserved it 1 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you bite his finger and say it was just a natural reaction.

Tell him he needs to be finding a new patient since you're leaving


Number one reason why I hate the dentist. They constantly stab me causing me to bleed from my gums. I hate it. I get panic attacks just from being in the seat ;-;

Floss better, use a harder brush and do it properly.

Dentist: *stabs you with a knife* You: *Starts bleeding* Dentist: It's because you didn't floss.

"That's a lot of blood, do you floss? Make sure to floss twice a day and even after lunch if you have to. Flossing will reduce bleeding from my attempted reenactment of the movie 300 in your mouth" -Dr Distracto, DMD