By FarisH - 31/05/2010 09:15 - Jordan

Today, I went to my orthodontist where I was informed that I'll going to the prom, to my brother's wedding, and maybe to university with braces in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 108
You deserved it 9 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had braces for years... many people do.... jeez, get over it princess.

Having braces doesnt suck.. its normal. But what is GOING to suck is actually wearing them. It HURTS like hell .. your lips get BROKEN inside the mouth. The pain lasts for a week. And then every time u meet orthodontist (every month) its going to hurt AGAIN .. for some days. .. I have braces :D


muffinsareyummy 1

You've got to be ******* kidding. How in the hell did this get past moderation?

muffinsareyummy 1
sourgirl101 28

^Exactly. Doing something to improve your self is never a bad thing. Unless you like the shark teeth look.

YDI for not getting them while you were young.

omegaxen 0

lol that's not that ba a thing

littlemissdqgirl 8

Boo Hoo. In the end you'll have straight teeth get over it op. It's not like you'll be the first person ever to go to prom with them on. And as far as the wedding, at least it isn't yours. It's not a big deal op.

kitten1323 19

Suck it up you jackass!!! At least you can afford braces! I need a pallet expander and braces cause my mouth it too small! and your complaining cause you have to get them!? Go kill yourself and make the world a better place!

That's a horrible thing to say, even to your worst enemy.

In England (where Im assuming OP lives due to saying prom and univercity) braces are free unless you have something minor.

okay well suck it up would u rather have ****** up teeth for all three occasions? be glad they're being straightened out, there r some unfortunate ppl out there who can't afford braces. you're aucky bitch Hun smile

birds_fml 7

That sucks but it's better than having either crooked teeth or braces at your own wedding. Better to get it out of the way now. Trust me. I had a bridge then braces for 7 years cause my teeth were so bad. I hated it at the time, and wished I was old enough to refuse, but now I'm glad I got it over with when I did, and now I have straight teeth. It made it easier to date too.

forgot to add on "occasions? or metal wires holding them in to un **** them up?.....meh if ppl laugh at u becuz of them duck their loves when thy come off in 2-4 yrs they'll be missing out on the new beauty u have attained.

My family can afford expense dental procedures wahhhhhhh.