By FarisH - 31/05/2010 09:15 - Jordan

Today, I went to my orthodontist where I was informed that I'll going to the prom, to my brother's wedding, and maybe to university with braces in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 108
You deserved it 9 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had braces for years... many people do.... jeez, get over it princess.

Having braces doesnt suck.. its normal. But what is GOING to suck is actually wearing them. It HURTS like hell .. your lips get BROKEN inside the mouth. The pain lasts for a week. And then every time u meet orthodontist (every month) its going to hurt AGAIN .. for some days. .. I have braces :D


dugumit 0

awwwwwwwwwwwww life is so hard on u :( stfu and be grateful it's not a backbrace.

Tikwichka 5

Yeah, my backbrace is more noticeable than what OP's braces will ever be!

Tik, provided you're not joking, what type of brace is it? I had to wear one of those super-stiff molded ones for a ridiculous length of time after a surgery. After a week I got sick of feeling self-conscious and bought some acrylic paint, sharpees and spray sealant for plastic. I painted that thing up quite nicely. :) I had a few people ask me where to get one because they thought it was some type of new corset-like fashion. It could help if you feel embarrassed. If it's a lumbar brace, then flesh-colored duct tape and camisoles are your friend!

JGood08 1

had em, that shit did suck but hey my teeth are sexy

how is that OPS fault? because everyone has 5,000 dollars that they just don't want to spend..

Braces? If you meant this to be an FML because it hurts or impends speech, it doesn't. Also, if you meant it to be an FML because you will look bad, it's not that horrible. In the end I still wish this site had an IDC button.

I had braces for years... many people do.... jeez, get over it princess.

.....So what? I've had my braces for two years, gone to countless weddings, gone to Florida, done everything with them. No one even notices them anymore, me included. Be thankful that after the fact, your teeth will be gorgeous!

Well when would be a good time to wear them then? At least you're getting them now and not when you're 40. You could try smiling with your mouth closed for photos if the braces make you self-conscious. Personally, I was pretty psyched to show off my colourful teeth because I got the orthodontist to put different coloured bands on whatever colour-coordinated plan I had every month :P

SeedlessMe 13

Ahahha I did the same thing!.... though looking back, some of the color combo's I choae were a little... odd.. but hey, I was a special child :-]