By FarisH - 31/05/2010 09:15 - Jordan

Today, I went to my orthodontist where I was informed that I'll going to the prom, to my brother's wedding, and maybe to university with braces in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 108
You deserved it 9 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had braces for years... many people do.... jeez, get over it princess.

Having braces doesnt suck.. its normal. But what is GOING to suck is actually wearing them. It HURTS like hell .. your lips get BROKEN inside the mouth. The pain lasts for a week. And then every time u meet orthodontist (every month) its going to hurt AGAIN .. for some days. .. I have braces :D


Why don't you ask your orthodontist about invisaline..(the clear braces that are just like a plastic teeth cover) they are a little more expensive but not by much and they still have payment plans avaliable for them at most orthodontists You get new ones as needed when your teeth adjust, usually every 3 or 6 months, and they work on most teeth types and in pretty much the same amount of no one will notice you've got them on and you can take them off to eat whatever the hell you please without getting it stuck in your braces!

stewpididiot 11

You whining little bitch !!! Do you know how many people WISH they could have braces to fix their teeth but their parents can't afford them? **** You !!!

Melaniee_fml 0

Boo hoo. who cares. alot of people have to deal with braces so get over yourself.

stewpididiot 11

Do you know how many parents wish they could afford braces to fix their kids teeth ??? **** You !!!!

hahaha lol that's true. although I had braces and teeth pulled and surgery, but I don't wear my retainer and my mom asks me if I think they spent 6,000 for me to let my teeth get messed up again. lol

quit your whining because of a hereditary condition my teeth are so messed up I can't even get braces if I want straight teeth I need dentures and even that isn't as straight forward as normal people and you don't see me making a fml do you? of ya **** your life for being able to have straight teeth

Oh wah. You may or may not need braces. If it bothers you that much, get those invisilines, jeez. This is not an FML.

allysonrigby 4

oh god. braces are not a huge deal, if this actually matters to you your life is pretty damn easy.

Aah_Zombies 0

Oh no, braces at an age where they're still acceptable to wear! If you care that much about your appearance, why not whine for your mommy and daddy to splurge on some Invisiline braces.

ohhhh you poor little babyyyy!!! go whine somewhere else