By FarisH - 31/05/2010 09:15 - Jordan

Today, I went to my orthodontist where I was informed that I'll going to the prom, to my brother's wedding, and maybe to university with braces in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 108
You deserved it 9 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had braces for years... many people do.... jeez, get over it princess.

Having braces doesnt suck.. its normal. But what is GOING to suck is actually wearing them. It HURTS like hell .. your lips get BROKEN inside the mouth. The pain lasts for a week. And then every time u meet orthodontist (every month) its going to hurt AGAIN .. for some days. .. I have braces :D


vballerlover07 0

A lot of people have or had braces. I had to have mine for 6 years. Get over yourself.

tjrocks1294 0

braces aren't that bad yea they hurt like the first day but just suck it up, take it like a man,and accept it

perdix 29

Been there, done that. When I had them on, all girls seemed to find them unattractive, until I finally met one that thought they were "so cute.". That was three weeks before I had them removed. She took my virginity, but didn't like me without braces anymore. I hope you find a girl like her earlier in your treatment.

or come to mexico and you will get them fixed in 6 -12 months, and yes it will be the same as all those years you will have them

braces aren't a big deal.. if your 14.. so everyone here would just smile and shrug and say "golly, braces are cool. maybe I'll look like a robot!" and not be at all upset? braces do suck a lot. they can be extremely painful, and they look strange on older people. to everyone that says "its not a big deal, IDC!" first off: does no one understand the point of FML anymore..? second, if you don't care, don't read it, and don't clog up the comments! third, if you had to get braces at 18 years old, youd be pissed, too. so shut the **** up.

Blue_Coconuts 7

50, six years? o.0 good god....

how the heck did they approve of this fml, but not mine?

missvee98324 0

For the people who say stop complaining,shut up. I have braces and it sucks.Maybe OP doesnt want braces since they'll be in a lot of pictures or something

tigrita 0

If being in a lot of pictures with braces is the worst thing going on in OP's life, he's got a pretty sweet life. And if you bothered to read any of the other comments, you'd realize most of us on here have or have had braces too, so we do know what it's like.

onexgun 0

lots of people have braces.. it's not that big of a deal

Sooo not an FML. Braces do suck, but obviously it'll be worth it in the long run. Consider yourself lucky, there are people out there who need them but can't afford them!