By rebel_rose - 25/09/2009 06:18 - United States
rebel_rose tells us more.
My problem is I try to speak in Russian as I do in English, so some phrases that don't quite translate sound stupid anyways . . so here, I guess I just sounded twice as stupid . . .reason this is an FML is the Japanese guy I like is in this class, and they don't talk that way . . .he wouldn't have known what I said or my mistake, if the teacher hadn't gotten shocked and translated it into English AND Japanese FML lol
Top comments
In Soviet Russia.... Nah just kidding, but seriously: learning Russian? Soviet Russia? Making the connection? Come on!
68 in soviet Russia, YOU IS FEEL SHIT LIKE
1- you dumbass.
Oh no, you made a mistake in a class of a language you're learning! Quick, to the internet and tell everyone how much your life is ruined by this! This is so not-FML worthy I cant even bother to click YDI.
No joke, what is with all these lame as shit FML's today? I mean jesus, I'm sure they knew what you meant. "Oh noes, my life is over because I made a mistake in my language class!" Ya know, because you aren't there to LEARN about it or anything.
I agree with you, but what would make this a YDI in the first place?
you have to admit this is funny though i love it when you say stuff wrong in language class once in french i answered in french then started talking to my friend in a french accent by accident
full of lawls, does it matter if life f'ed?
Seriously. Not a FML. You're learning a language, everyone knows you make mistakes. This isn't even a horrible mistake. Wait...what's shit in Russian? =D
говно pronounced govno
Or kaka, kakashka to children..
дерьмо pronounced dermo
I have always been intrigued by Russian letters but those words with the pronunciations next to it still makes no sense to me :')
Why would you even say "like shit" to your professor? Maybe you should've gone with "terrible", or "ill". This would never have occurred if you possessed more tact.
Not an FML... I actually laughed out loud.
It kind of makes sense though.
i have a feeling they'll understand
so you said "как срать" instead "как говно"?

Why would you even say "like shit" to your professor? Maybe you should've gone with "terrible", or "ill". This would never have occurred if you possessed more tact.
Oh no, you made a mistake in a class of a language you're learning! Quick, to the internet and tell everyone how much your life is ruined by this! This is so not-FML worthy I cant even bother to click YDI.