By Anonymous - 21/07/2013 04:51 - United States - Aurora

Today, I went to see one of my favorite bands. They were having signings, but only the first one hundred could get one. When I finally got to the desk, they said I was number hundred and one, and to get lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 048
You deserved it 4 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's amazing how some bands don't treat their fans with respect. It's the fans that buy the concert tickets and CD's and make it all happen for them, after all.

Wizardo 33

And this is why you shouldn't be fanatical over people who couldn't give a flying monkey turd about you, they're getting money so why care right?


First off I'd like everyone to realize that the band does not make this limit something like this also happened to me it's either their manager or someone who runs the concert who decides if there is a limit or not and to the person who wrote this was it at warped tour for the story so far cause that's when it happened to me

Well, the first 100 means the first 100. They couldn't make an exception for the OP w/out doing the same for others. But they should have been nicer about it.

Omg, what assholes. A fan should not have to beg for an autograph either. It's okay OP, now you know their true colors. You'll be rewarded and get something even better for your patience. "what goes around comes around"

RivetingTaleChap 6

Pearl Jam played Chicago's Wrigley Field two days ago. Maybe it was them (notice that the FML was posted from Illinois).

You do realize that if they were going to sign for a 100 people if they make an exception with you they would have to sign for everybody else. Thinking is allowed...

I was there. Bring Me The Horizon at Warped Tour... I was one of the first 100... I'm sorry you missed out.

It's not good for a band to take their fans for granted.

I met Blue Oyster Cult's lead guitarist in a night club a few years back before the show. I was sitting in a corner seat at the bar and he walked over and sat down opposite me. I said "Hey Donald" and he replied "Hey." We then had a conversation about sports, he's a Yankee's fan, family, we are both married with children, then I steered the conversation towards Jim Carroll (The Basketball Diaries) who supplied the basis for the lyrics "Perfect Water." I'm sure if I would have asked for a autograph he would have obliged, like I needed anything to remember that.

It sucks to find out that a band you really like and enjoy have no respect for their fans. These are the bands that usually end up going away quickly because they don't recognize that the fans are the only reason they exist. They aren't so special, musically, that the world will need them to exist.

If the band said that then I don't think they're worth it. You were one person.