By Anonymous - 21/07/2013 04:51 - United States - Aurora

Today, I went to see one of my favorite bands. They were having signings, but only the first one hundred could get one. When I finally got to the desk, they said I was number hundred and one, and to get lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 048
You deserved it 4 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's amazing how some bands don't treat their fans with respect. It's the fans that buy the concert tickets and CD's and make it all happen for them, after all.

Wizardo 33

And this is why you shouldn't be fanatical over people who couldn't give a flying monkey turd about you, they're getting money so why care right?


The first 100 get autographs. The second 100 get sent to a fiery snake pit where they're forced to clean up alcohol vomit and skunky beer cans after the concert.

Nasdjamarie 6
wolfman2123 13

Well you knew the rules and if they let you in what about 102,103 where does it stop?

That is so rude. Musicians should treat their fans with respect, they're the ones that are making them.

XBurytheCastleX 25

Honestly you should ditch that band. Any good bands will sit at the table for hours and greet every single fan, unless they are on a tight schedule and need to continue the tour. But those bands politely tell you why.