By Samantha - 30/10/2010 05:41 - United States

Today, I went to see Paranormal Activity 2 with my boyfriend. In hopes of him putting his arm around me or holding my hand, I told him that I was very scared and pretended to cry a little. He told me to be quiet because I was ruining the movie for him. Then he moved seats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 207
You deserved it 42 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, just what every guy wants, a needy, annoying girlfriend, who demands attention at inappropriate times, and isn't afraid to lie and be emotionally manipulative to get what they want.


madgrinchhatter 12

Wow, you're dating a guy who is clearly not into you.

That sounds like the most obnoxious thing I've EVER heard. Why would you purposely ruin a movie for him (and probably everyone else around you)? I'm a girl and I would have dumped you if I were him... That's so pathetic. To fake cry? How do you not realize you are manipulating him? I wouldn't be surprised if he dumps you.

youre a psycho. men can't read between the lines that well, just hold his ******* hand if you want to hold it.

god you are pathetic. whsts with all the needy girlfriends on here?

Take his hand or put his arm around you. Don't pretend to anything. Men can't read your mind and you sound annoying.

IThriveWithYourPain 14

The paranormal activity movies are probably the least scary mainstream horror movies I ******* laugh at them and watch them for the sole purpose of amusement