By Indoraptor - 14/11/2009 12:59 - United States

Today, I went to see the cast list for the new musical I'm in. I didn't get the part I wanted, and instead I got the part of one of the suitors. Interestingly, they made me the suitor to my ex. And the guy she leaves me for at the end of the musical is the guy she left me for in real life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 448
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste


Lol'd. This shall be the most epic musical in the history of musicals.

Littlerunner 0

haha good then you won't even have to act! j/k that sucks I'm sorry :( you can decide not to do the play this year

wxdiaz86 0

Maybe you should stop settleing for less, if you dont get something you want then dont take the hand out

Friedburger 2

OOOOOOO.......your the person Budde told me about.....that sucks

Ateaney13 0

Was this not a movie on ABC Family??

Jbiebs82 0
spock9 0

Pros: You will be a pro at acting your part, you might even get to yell at her. Cons: It's your ex and her current bf. The song for this situation: Ironic The gods of irony are rolling on the floor laughing.