By Indoraptor - 14/11/2009 12:59 - United States

Today, I went to see the cast list for the new musical I'm in. I didn't get the part I wanted, and instead I got the part of one of the suitors. Interestingly, they made me the suitor to my ex. And the guy she leaves me for at the end of the musical is the guy she left me for in real life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 448
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste


On opening night, cut the straps for her dress partway, then when she leaves you (in the play) gently pull her sleeve in your desperation. The effect should be wonderful.

I believe that you utterly deserved this. Why would you sign up to a musical which your former partner and her current partner have also signed up for fully knowing that you are not yet over her?

You generally don't know who else is auditioning. There are often multiple audition nights, and even if there's only one, there are different times.

Valjeanjolras 0

Because, he has other friends in the theater group, and it wasnt a hellish demon breakup. They're still friends. Kind of.

clearly that's what the director was going for

pshnoway 0

so sabotage her in the play. payback is always fun. :)

storyofmylifee18 0
WorkThatButt 2

Find a way to sneak pot into her system. :)

I'm calling fake, because this is the movie "get over it." i bet you're also taking lessons to be better and you end up falling for the girl that gave you lessons.

Erindub 0

Sucks to be you! Break a leg...