By swedishdude - 14/11/2009 13:37 - Sweden

Today, I was at a party where I ate a bowl of disgusting snacks because I didn't want to drink on an empty stomach. I spent the next twelve hours trying to prevent the world from collapsing into millions of demonic shards, cause apparently that's what a large dose of magic mushrooms does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 018
You deserved it 36 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL imagine actually watching this guy after that.. and drunk ? haha

capthavoc123 0

I don't pretend to be an expert on the culinary arts, but why would you eat a bowl of ANY kind of mushrooms by themself? There wasn't anything else to eat at a friggin' party?


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Alas, those aren't ESL mistakes. Those are "I slept through 6th grade" mistakes.

Does it matter whether or not English is his/her first language?

That would explain why the world never collapsed into millions of demonic shards.

Ajjas013 6

#1 is a ******* IDIOT he didnt do it on PURPOSE plus, they were MAGIC MUSHROOMS, not drugs!!! pay ****** attention

@ #155 - magic mushrooms do contain psilocybin, which is a drug. That's why people eat them, it's certainly not for the taste (as the OP discovered lol). Quick piece of advice - when accusing others of idiocy, make sure you have your facts straight or who looks like the bigger idiot? lol

why is there so many ydi not like he meant to do it

You're so ignorant it's sad. Psilocybin is proven to treat OCD, cluster headaches, and reduces anxiety for people coping with their impending death. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean that it's bad. Get your head out of your ass.

LOL imagine actually watching this guy after that.. and drunk ? haha

evangldbrg 0

my question is, why the hell fight them? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

Ajjas013 6

I love that song. Hellyeah by Hellyeah right?

megapeyt 17

My question is this: DID YOU SAVE THE WORLD FROM COLLAPSING INTO A MILLION DEMONIC SHARDS?!?!?! my life is in peril man!!! Get after it!!! Sarcasm FTW

RR05 0

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meeeep 0

he didn't know he was eating drugs. he thought they were some sort of snack.

arienh4 0

FYI, even in our country, paddos are illegal. Every kind of drug is illegal, including THC. Look up 'opiumwet'.

Gingerly 0

I agree, not only do 'shrooms taste really nasty, they're also dry as hell and really hard to swallow. There is no way you ate a whole bowl of them and didn't think to ask anyone what they were. If you did, you're really dumb. *EDIT: What the hell? This was not the comment I replied to.

Oh my gosh this is awesome. I had a friend who did almost this exact same thing and she was trippin' balls. Epic, man.

sjp092 0

I probably would have done the same thing if I was going to drink. Except I would have asked what it was first =P.

capthavoc123 0

I don't pretend to be an expert on the culinary arts, but why would you eat a bowl of ANY kind of mushrooms by themself? There wasn't anything else to eat at a friggin' party?

i agree with #7, mushroom alone aren't the best snack shoulda raided the fridge

He didn't say it was a bowl of mushrooms. it could've been a batch of brownies or something else. A lot of people do put mushrooms into recepies, you know.

The psilocybin (the chemical that makes you trip) in mushrooms breaks down when exposed to heat, so they couldn't have been baked into brownies. It could have been in chocolate, though, and it wouldn't have tasted fantastic.

Are you sure psilocybin breaks down in heat? I thought it was just converted to psilocin, which your body does anyway (and which is why I thought some people took theirs in tea for faster/stronger effect). But I could be wrong.

xanniefiend420 0

no it dose break down in heat unfortuantely....

I'd disagree there. I haven't researched the science but anecdotally - I've had them numerous times and they've always been cooked one way or another - sometimes simmered in boiling water and a couple of times on pizza. They worked every time .=D

Erindub 0

Shrooms are different for everyone but I remember my first time thinking it was Easter and Christmas for awhile. Then I cried for a bit. And to top it all off my boyfriend was pretending to be a duck. Fun times!

That sounds like fun. Your boyfriend must be cool :)

I remember when I took shrooms. Trippy as ****, but still fun.

Spitfire86 0

Oh no, that just suck. I'm assuming you didn't know they were shrooms. Amusing as it is it does suck. Personally if I saw a bowl of mushrooms I'd have assumed it was appatizers not drugs myself, but I don't do any so I'm a bit nieve. I hope everything ended well. Oi, that really doesn't sound like fun for you though. Fun for spectators, not for you