By meh - 04/01/2010 22:29 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to the dentist to get a baby tooth which had decayed removed. After almost an hour, I came out with a numb mouth and a missing tooth for life. It was not a baby tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 078
You deserved it 6 528

Same thing different taste


How did you let a tooth decay, baby or not? You should have visited a dentist way before it was too late.

imperfectclarity 0

Well hey, now you have one less tooth to brush. :)

Its funny how these lobster backs are getting so defensive over a little issue

Its funny how these lobster backs are getting so defensive over a little issue

Shizzlator 3

Wtf, how is this an FML? Your tooth was decaying so they removed it. This isn't Twitter

uscg13 0

why did you get it pulled in the first place?!?! wouldn't you know if it was a permanent tooth or not? I mean come on, really?

YDIall2suck 0
liz1908 0

I know right, I thought everyone just gummed it now and ate applesauce.

catastrophicsock 0

1. FYL if they removed the wrong tooth. 2. YDI for letting your tooth decay. 3. YDI for making this unclear as to if they pulled the wrong tooth