By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 00:05 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor went through the normal questions, then paused for a moment and jotted something down. Later when I got back my report from the checkup, I noticed that the doctor had checked the "no" box by "sexually active." She didn't even ask me that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 456
You deserved it 6 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

you just got BURNED by your doctor.


brittbrittT 0

well some things are just obvious.

sammmmb 0

well it depends on how old you are???????????

meetmeinhell 0

wow hahahahahahahaha, i wanna see a picture of you so i can laugh even harder

Philinchains 0

sometimes doctors dont ask all the questions. Ive been to the doctor many times they dont always ask the same questions. you dont have to take it as they assumed your weren't having sex. It might be more along the lines as it might not apply to your checkup so theres no sense asking. Plus this isnt really an Fml. Maybe if your ashamed that the doctor read you like a book and got it right. but that means you would have to be pretty old. maybe around 30 or older. but not someone in there teens or early 20's.

Man, I've got to stop reading these comments for my own sake, it takes the fun out of FMLs. D: Like what #66 said, we read these because they're supposed to be funny, but no, some people just have to over-analize and pick apart the FMLs. The worse ones are the 'Not FML Worthy' posters. Who are you to decide what ***** people's lives? ..All that aside, this made me lol. :D

pianodoctor 0

I'm a doctor and I can say that, while it is sometimes stupid and wrong, when we forget to ask questions, some doctors will just fill in anything. Like checking normal or no history of blah blah blah when really they didn't check or even ask the question. #4, It wouldn't cost her her job, since it is actually the kind of thing some docs do with everyday. btw: It's not always a big deal and most of the times it's stuff that would go left blank with no consequence except that insurance companies sometimes want every little box and line filled in. In other words, if you were coming in complaining of genital itching or burning when you pee, she would definitely have asked about your sexual history. But if you come in with ringing in your you really want to answer questions about your sex life?

kaylaaa_ 0

niiiice but i agree w/ number one... are you?