By Anonymous - 02/05/2009 00:05 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor went through the normal questions, then paused for a moment and jotted something down. Later when I got back my report from the checkup, I noticed that the doctor had checked the "no" box by "sexually active." She didn't even ask me that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 456
You deserved it 6 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

you just got BURNED by your doctor.

Comments * Kederaji is now officially offended by the Red Cross. How much blood did they want today? Well, you know that questionnaire they ask you before they poke you with the needle? Yeah. Well, the guy took a look at me and started marking all the sex related questions as "No". Didn't even bother to ask me, just marked them "No." The bastard. Was he right? He was, but that's not the point!

hootersgirl09 0

Well if youre a girl she could have just looked into your ****** to see if it was torn or not. If it was she would have to ask even it got torn while biking or something. If the hymen was intact it's obvious you are not sexually active. If she didn't look or if you're a boy, then she's not doing her job right.

#44, what does being fat have to do with anything? My friend is over 300lbs, and gets laid all the time..mind you she picks up guys from the bar lol. But still. Don't be so arrogant and judgemental.

ohhhhshizzz 0

Okay, dudes please STOP CALLING FAKE, who gives a shit if a post is fake or not this site isn't for truth, it is for the funny. You just look really douche-y if you point out every reason that a post is fake, or why you think it shouldn't be a FML. Who cares, if you have better material, post it. Now shut the **** up and let people enjoy the post, oh and the comments are funny too so stop posting those about how fake it is, the reasons, and why you think it is stupid. Now, lmao. That is funny, better question are you sexually active??


if you are, then the doctor isn't doing her job correctly

The doctor shouldn't have circled it if he didn't ask.

that's falsification of medical records and it's a crime. If she or he didn't ask, they can't write down an answer. It's illegal and may cause them to lose their license, not to mentio how your doc isn't giving you the potential screenings you would need if you were sexually active, which equals bad medical care. Get a new doc asap and consider reporting this one!!

And number 64, that is such effing b.s. and I don't even have the energy to explain why. Sigh. Look it up for your own damn education.

Eh. If you're a girl they could tell if you have had sex by just checking down there. so if you're a girl. that's what happened. and if you're a guy, I doubt this would even happen which makes it less funny.

Ouch, that has got to sting. Sorry, hun. :(