By starbird - 23/02/2009 19:40 - United States

Today, I went to the Doctors and the nurse asked if I was married, in which I responded "yes". Then she asked if I was sexually active... "no". FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 084
You deserved it 10 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dr_Phil 0

This marriage is going to fail.

Marriage is about LOVE. But that does kinda suck.


Starcatch77 20

If you're a woman it's much more important, because things can happen "down there" and knowing how sexually active we are is an important factor to fixing them.

marinewife0326 0

I would have to say the same thing as of the last 5 months only because my husband is in Afghanistan, it's a totally different story when he's home ;) lol

I don't actually see how this is an FML...

Ha! That is so true! Ain't marriage great?!

The_9th_Doctor 18

then what the hell is the point in being married