By starbird - 23/02/2009 19:40 - United States

Today, I went to the Doctors and the nurse asked if I was married, in which I responded "yes". Then she asked if I was sexually active... "no". FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 084
You deserved it 10 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dr_Phil 0

This marriage is going to fail.

Marriage is about LOVE. But that does kinda suck.


Dropbear_fml 0

not sexually active? you just lie there?

#51 your reply doesnt deserve to be dignified and I should have never dignified #45... Anyway, #50 THANK YOU and I tried to initiate all the time...This is an issue he has had trouble with since before he met me. I thought things would get better, and I think they did a little...but he never tried to get help no matter how many times I brought it up or cried over it. I think along the way, the feeling and hope you once had dissipate into almost nothing. What a wonderful guy but those feelings for him arent there anymore.

pdoom 0

Aw, definitely an FML moment.. that sucks.

#8: Screw you. I'm a guy and I want to find someone to settle down with, because I'm tired of the teenage drama bullshit. @OP: The classic response would go like this: 'Are you married'? "Yes." 'Are you sexually active?' "...I'm married."

skyryder07 0

well first of all why is it an FML if you are not ashamed of being married and still being a virgin. honestly it makes no sense to be in a marriage or of a relationship of that status and not have had that connection with your spouse, isnt that more the reason why people do get married?

#55 are you serious? I'm hardly a virgin. Did you not read the thread you idiot?! ANd #54...I dont want to say that to the Dr....I want to be married to someone who has the same sexual appetite that I do and therefore, there wouldnt be a reason for that answer or an FML!

Jack_Of_Spades 0

That's pretty much how it works. You get married, adn you can piss sex goodbye for the rest of your life. Once that ring goes on your finger, you're f***ed. FYL indeed

Jack_Of_Spades 0

Wait, i just read the whole thread. I take only half of what I said back.

i_luv_puppies 1

I agree with starbird, it takes A LOT more that love to have a successful marriage/relationship.