By starbird - 23/02/2009 19:40 - United States

Today, I went to the Doctors and the nurse asked if I was married, in which I responded "yes". Then she asked if I was sexually active... "no". FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 096
You deserved it 10 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dr_Phil 0

This marriage is going to fail.

Marriage is about LOVE. But that does kinda suck.


meowmoo 0

i only said FYL because clearly, you need to be f***ed somehow.

Ja_Ja_Jess 0

oh wow... hope you get some soon ...but dude that must suck

legit_tofit 0

Marriage is about love. I agree that it SUCKS that even with someone you love, you can't make it.

Sucks to not have sex, but way to go to be honest with the doctor. It's important that your doctor knows these details about your life - extra information could potentially change diagnoses and get you better healthcare.

dvs01 0

Why the hell are you married to someone who won't have sex with you? Have some self-respect, man.

don't u have any guy in the neighborhood? lol

nothing to be ashamed of I am not planning on having sex even if I'm married.

wow that truly does suck! u shoulda done it on ur honeymoon

Usually the question is "have you had sex in the last six months" not ever. Besides, if you have read her comments she says they have im assuming its just not often.

Time to whip out the Horny Goat Weed.