By whoawhat - 11/11/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store where I work to pick up my pay check. After I got it, I headed back to the dorms to take a quick nap before Chemistry later. I woke up, and my check was gone. I later found it. In the form of a text from my roommate saying he gambled away 'our' money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 554
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him to pay it back or you'll be taking him to small-claims court.

If this guy SENT you a confession you can definitely press charges.


ooohlife 0

umm how can your roommate cash your check with your name on it?

This is technically the banks fault for not asking for ID.

Tell him to give you double the amount the check was for within a month or you're sending his ass to jail for check fraud.

radman 0

My thoughts exactly. Unless the OP endorsed it before going the bank (something hilariously stupid that would allow whoever got their hands on the check to cash it) they would have to commit forgery.

yeah...I think this may be a fake post just to get on the front page. You usually need the check endorsed, and a lot of banks actually require the original person's ID. even a copy of it.

First off, you shouldn't have just left that laying around. There are plenty of places you could have put that where it was more safe (hell, even a pants pocket would do). Second, what your roomie did is called identity fraud, not to mention check fraud. Don't bother trying to extract your money from him (it's highly improbably that you will anyway); just report him to the authorities.

You snooze; you lose! Sell his (our) stuff.

good news: your roomate leagally owes you that money so you have the right to take him or her to small claims court. and make sure you make them pay all the court fees too. good luck, hope you get it all back (and maybe even a lil extra for your roomate being a D-bag)

Either this is fake, or you're a complete idiot. You cannot cash a check without signing it. Unless your roommate signed it fraudulently (in which case you are entitled to take him to court), you probably just signed it and left it lying around, which is stupid and is completely your fault.