By whoawhat - 11/11/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store where I work to pick up my pay check. After I got it, I headed back to the dorms to take a quick nap before Chemistry later. I woke up, and my check was gone. I later found it. In the form of a text from my roommate saying he gambled away 'our' money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 554
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him to pay it back or you'll be taking him to small-claims court.

If this guy SENT you a confession you can definitely press charges.


to everyone saying you can cash a check without an id, where the **** do you live? every place ive been to to cash my paychecks or deposit them at the bank checks my id. and this is in several towns in new york and a few places around los angeles. to the OP: lock that text, tell him he owes you your paycheck plus some interest. if he refuses/doesnt within a day or two then go to the cops and get him charged with theft. and to make things less awkward for the rest of the school year, talk to your RA and see if you can get your room/roomie switched.

Dude,get a different roommate if he steals from you

Shit man, if it was me i wouldve kicked his ass, get the money back

This FML is complete bullshit. Anywhere in the United States you need an ID to cash any check, anywhere. So even if he did manage to cash the check, the OP would have no problem getting his money back.

This. Unless your roommate also looks like you and stole your driver's licence, there's no way they would have let him cash the check. In Canada, the only way someone else can cash a check written out to you is if you sign the endorsement line on the back. In that case, if you left an endorsed check lying around it's your own ******* fault.

radman 0

Nobody actually asks for ID though, at least, not around here.

cryssycakesx3 22

he certainly could have forged OP's signature and if he goes to a bank where they know him, they might not question it.

Andr3wAxel 0

More and more FMLs about people taking others money. I really can't imagine someone so immature to think that they will do whatever they want and get away with it. But these FML are continuously proving me wrong. I'm sorry OP for living with this kind of person, I also shared flats with other people but we setup the boundaries from day 1, never had a problem. My suggestion to all who are reading this, people are raised different. Just tell them what are the limits and assure them that they are non-negotiable.

davek 36

Then you take his stuff and sell it. Preferably his computer holding the only copy of his university dissertation.

jw90 18

in the words of Hank hill. "I'm gunna kick your ass."

Kill him. Send a suicide text to his parents from his phone.

No matter were or who you live with you don't leave your money laying around. YDI for not putting your money in a place that no one would steal it from you.