By whoawhat - 11/11/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store where I work to pick up my pay check. After I got it, I headed back to the dorms to take a quick nap before Chemistry later. I woke up, and my check was gone. I later found it. In the form of a text from my roommate saying he gambled away 'our' money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 554
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him to pay it back or you'll be taking him to small-claims court.

If this guy SENT you a confession you can definitely press charges.


hercules268 0

Someone needs to teach that gambling son of a bitch some manners. Basically kick the shit out of him. I know that's what i'd do, but i'm just saying.

I'd kick his sorry as into next Tuesday. Direct deposit. Get it. It is your FRIEND.

I'm not sure I believe this, seeing as it's illegal to cash someone elses cheque unless that person is with u at the bank teller, with id and signs for it.

starberries 0

I don't know what the rules are in your country, but in the US, you can cash someone else's check if they sign the back of it. The roommate would only have to forge the signature.

his shit would all be outside the door when he came home if that was me...locks changed and all dont be a pussy cant have a theif as a roomate

X_o_X_ocutie 0

Today my boyfriend got screamed at for gambling away his roommates money U MADE HIM CRY LOOK WHAT U DID LOL JK

mrlopez 13

OP, You shouldve crossed your check before doing something silly like take a nap.

Turkey_Slab 0

Ouch I L O V E S P A M M I N I G T H I S W A Y T R O L L F A C E !

skittyskatbrat 19

Hope you called your boss and had that check cancelled, FAST.

I'd kick him out till he paid me back and the rent