By whoawhat - 11/11/2009 06:55 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store where I work to pick up my pay check. After I got it, I headed back to the dorms to take a quick nap before Chemistry later. I woke up, and my check was gone. I later found it. In the form of a text from my roommate saying he gambled away 'our' money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 554
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him to pay it back or you'll be taking him to small-claims court.

If this guy SENT you a confession you can definitely press charges.


you deserve this for not having direct deposit.

soreness123 0

I would kill your roommate. FYL

Um, your roommate shouldn't have been able to cash your check if it was in your name. Could be a good FML, except that it's fake.

not unless his roomie either looks like him, or is a really good forger...

AEM_Racer1320 0

Sue! Go on Judge Judy, it'll be a good laugh.

sportsnut 0

that is hard core illegal and you should get the money back from the bank for making an unauthorized cashing of a check

Lol. What a degen. What are you going to do?

This is bs. How'd the roomiie cash his check??

Small-claims? Judge Judy? Punch him in the face and move out. Simples.

dru67 0

I would kick the shit out of that kid. Plain and simple, and then i would take whatever he had of value and sell it or just keep it because i could. and if he had a problem with it id slap him and tell him to go to his room, which would now be the hall way.

you can sue him for stealing and other costs like intrest and the trouble!