By Iarla_ceapaire93 - 16/06/2015 17:27 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I went to the gym to try to get into shape. While I was running on the treadmill, my beer belly pushed against the emergency stop button, twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 497
You deserved it 5 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One time I went to the gym. I heard the sound of clapping and got so excited. Turns out it was just my thighs.

Shadowinthesun 15

At least your trying and that's what counts. Don't listen to all the negativity.


Hey, you're trying to be better and that's what matters! Keep it up, OP!!

Time to downgrade from a keg to a 6 pack!

I think your body may be trying to tell you something

At least you're trying a healthy activity OP! Keep at it and don't let that discourage you!

might also be because you're not keeping enough distance between you and the machine controls in the front

That's what I was going to say. Try turning up the speed a tiny bit, you should be running in the center of the belt.

Good on you for trying!!! Persevere and you'll get results. Lift weight. Build muscle. Burn fat. You'll feel amazing... Eventually...

At least you try to lose weight don't feel insecure about it. Don't forget that the most important part of losing weight is a proper diet. You can work out al you want but won't lose any weight if you don't have a proper diet. You can use a app like my fitness pall to keep track of your food intake.

If ur gut is pushing the emergency button, I think u r well beyond "beer belly". Props to u for going to the gym and working on it tho.

Good for you for actually trying to get rid of it. Many don't (myself included)