By Anonymous - 23/01/2011 07:21 - United States

Today, I went to the hospital to visit my aunt and her newborn baby. The receptionist gave me the room number, and I went and my aunt was in the bathroom so I cuddle the baby, only to find that the woman who came out of the bathroom was a complete stranger. I was holding her baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 627
You deserved it 8 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats no too bad, apologise and explain.

That is very true, regardless if the baby belonged to your aunt or not, you cannot just pick up and hold a newborn baby without even asking for permission. Also I can't remember another serious comment by perdix besides this one.


cradle6 13

NO, it means Octopus Puncher.

Of course it does, but you were not supposed to let everybody know ! Now all the uninitiated on this website will see the truth ! You deliberately endangered the brotherhood, I thus sentence you to eternal damnation.

firecapez 4

^ That was the most epic win that i have seen thusfar on FML.

perdix 29

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That is very true, regardless if the baby belonged to your aunt or not, you cannot just pick up and hold a newborn baby without even asking for permission. Also I can't remember another serious comment by perdix besides this one.

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I definitely agree with you Perdix. Nobody in their right mind starts touching, much less cuddling a newborn baby without consulting the parent, even if it's your family members.

sourgirl101 28

Absolutely agree! One of "my" biggest pet peeve was when people (especially strangers) would come up to look at my kids,(when they were babies) and touch their hands. I don't know where your hands have been and babies put their hands in their mouths. So don't touch babies' hands!!!

fthku 13

Oh wow, Perdix leaving a serious comment- Get your shotguns ready, it's zombie time. Stock up on canned food, bar your doors, and hide your babies from OP.

CEiiLEiiGH 7

Not only that, the bathroom was occupied so OP couldn't wash his hands before touching the baby. He could've risked the baby's health because he is impatient

That's what you get for listening to a recipient. I would have gone to the receptionist to ask where I needed to go.

i was waiting for someone to catch that

Ahh, that wasn't your fault OP! And it makes a great story for both parties, already for you and maybe in a few days for the baby's mother.

What are you talking about? It's completely the OP's fault. Who just picks up a newborn baby without the mother or fathers permission?

It's a damn good thing you aren't a rabbit, because then your aunt would have eaten the baby. It's true - look it up.

Don't you mean the other woman? The one who's baby OP accidentally cuddled?

sourgirl101 28

Whatever. Don't bother me with trifles. :)

I wholeheartedly agree with perdix. You don't just go and pick up someone else's newborn. ydi

You asked the "recipient?" did you mean to ask the "receptionist!" Anyway Ydi for not checking the name on the door or calling out to your aunt in the "bathroom" to make sure it was her in there.

randomchickkk 0