By beep_guacamole - 24/05/2009 21:49 - United States

Today, I went to the laundromat. I put a load in the dryer and walked away to check on my other load. When I came back, I saw a homeless man putting his dirty, wet underwear in the dryer with my clean clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 338
You deserved it 4 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh. Take them out and donate a dollar to getting him his own dryer.


NickelPhosphate 0

Eeeeew that's disgusting! He was probably drunk >< ughhh yuck! Hopefully you caught him in the act & rewashed those clothes for your own safety!

ely46 0

Oh, that is gross. Yeah it sucks that you have to spend the money to rewash your clothes, but what is even worse is just the time that it would take to rewash them. In my experience laudromat washers and dryers are so slow. Who ever the people were that said you deserved this are stupid. How can someon deserve to have their clean clothes contaminated and violated like that. ewww!

Wonderman_fml 0

Homeless or not, he'd be dead if he ****** with my laundry.

FYL i guess, because that is a little gross. But just let him dry his underwear, they were obviously dirty and since he's homeless I doubt he has many oppurtunities for clean clothes. You can always re run all your clothes later.

That is really gross. I seriously would be causing a huge scene if that happened to me.

This is gross. but i feel bad for the homeless guy. just rewash the clothes though, nothing some good hot water and soap cant get clean. No need to burn anything!

Stop shoving loads into unknown places.