By beep_guacamole - 24/05/2009 21:49 - United States

Today, I went to the laundromat. I put a load in the dryer and walked away to check on my other load. When I came back, I saw a homeless man putting his dirty, wet underwear in the dryer with my clean clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 338
You deserved it 4 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh. Take them out and donate a dollar to getting him his own dryer.


Lmfao #20. Sucks for the OP though, and lmfao #12 you're awesome xD!!

You people are so awful. The poor guy doesn't have a house and you're complaining you're going to have to re-wash your clothes for a couple of dollars? To the people that are saying burn your clothes, why? Do you really think that just because he's homeless all his clothes contain some awful, skin melting disease that can't be washed out? Re-wash your clothes and give him $5 so he can wash his clothes for the first time in what's probably months.

yeah cause we're suppose to work our asses off to earn money to wash homeless people's clothes? seriously like - get a life - I'd shove him in the dryer and leave him in it! maybe even turn it on!

brighteyes87 1

#121- you sound like a real jerk. A lot of homeless people cannot help their situation. The right thing to do would be to help him wash his clothes and offer to buy him food.

nwc020 0

#15=bad person you need to be nice to those less fortunate then you

@#25 actually homeless people can carry skin contact diseases

@#27 So can people that have homes? If you touch a homeless person, I guarantee you're not going to die.

i actually rewashed my clothes but i didnt stop him from doing it.. i just waited till the load was done..

@#28 One drugged homeless almost killed me so id say the chances are pretty high

@#30 Because you touched him? Really? Or because he was on drugs, like half the rest of the population?