By suuoerwholock - 15/08/2015 02:50 - United States

Today, I went to the mall and was persistently asked to try one of the curling irons at a kiosk. I don't like to use heat on my hair, but I reluctantly agreed. The iron burned off a good chunk of hair from the back of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 455
You deserved it 4 870

suuoerwholock tells us more.

OP here. This had actually happened a few months ago so my hair is grown out to the point where it's not really that noticeable now. I have roughly 3 feet of hair and I am asked almost every single time I walk by any kiosk that has to do with hair to try out their product. To the people saying that I shouldn't have "caved in"-- I had already walked past this kiosk 3 or 4 times and didn't see any harm in a couple of curls.

Top comments

I hate those people in malls that shove things down your throat.... I get its your job but come on if I say no I'm not gonna change my mind.


I'm terribly sorry this happened! My hair doesn't do well with heat either. By the way, love your username.

Time to sue and get enough money to buy your body weight in weaves!

You literally need to tell them to **** off before it gets to that point. What made you think you *had* to use it? Validation from a stranger? Straight up: "Sorry, but my hair doesn't do well with heat". End of discussion. If they ask again, you say "I've already said no".

OP here. This had actually happened a few months ago so my hair is grown out to the point where it's not really that noticeable now. I have roughly 3 feet of hair and I am asked almost every single time I walk by any kiosk that has to do with hair to try out their product. To the people saying that I shouldn't have "caved in"-- I had already walked past this kiosk 3 or 4 times and didn't see any harm in a couple of curls.

this is were negative publicity is the best reward a picture of the kiosk a picture of the woman that ruined your hair a picture of the curling iron all posted on Instagram or whatever there must be a dozen places where this would be a devastatingly negative ad for this product a conversation with the mall where the kiosk was set up might also be productive .

Not saying she should sue, but if a lady can win a court case because she spilled hot coffee on herself, that wasn't labeled "hot", I'm sure OP could win a case because someone burnt her hair off. Especially if she didn't sign any papers saying the company/kiosk wasn't responsible for any damages.